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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Exercise During HCG Program

We often get asked if it is okay to exercise during the HCG Program. There are many misconceptions on this subject for some reason. Many HCG programs out there will suggest not to exercise what so ever. But when we refer back to Dr. Simeon's original Protocol, "Pounds & Inches", we find the answer. Not only does he say that it is okay to exercise, but it is recommended!

"Pounds & Inches" Pg. 28 & 29 Muscular Fatigue

Towards the end of a full course, when a good deal of fat has been rapidly lost, some patients complain that lifting a weight or climbing stairs requires a greater muscular effort than before. They feel neither breathlessness nor exhaustion but simply that their muscles have to work harder. This phenomenon, which disappears soon after the end of the treatment, is caused by the removal of abnormal fat deposited between, in, and around the muscles. The removal of this fat makes the muscles too long, and so in order to achieve a certain skeletal movement - say the bending of an arm - the muscles have to perform greater contraction than before. Within a short while the muscle adjusts itself perfectly to the new situation, but under HCG the loss of fat is so rapid that this adjustment cannot keep up with it. Patients often have to be reassured that this does not mean that they are “getting weak”. This phenomenon does not occur in patients who regularly take vigorous exercise and continue to do so during treatment.

Here at HCG Renew, we recommend that if you were exercising before the HCG Renew Program that you continue to do so. If you start to feel fatigued, try lowering the intensity of your workouts. If you have not yet started an exercise program, try doing some walking or light weight lifting. This will only increase your results and your over all well-being!

Good luck on your weight loss journey. Continue pressing forward...remember, "Regain control of your weight and you will Renew your life!"