Hi Everyone,
I was just wanting to send out a message to check up on everyone involved in the HCG diet program, no matter what phase you are in or even if you are done. Please let me know how I can help, you can email me at hcgtheweightlosscure.com, call me (480)861-9899, or post a message on the Face book fan page HCG The Weight Loss Cure. Sorry for the length of this email but I wanted to let you know that I have really enjoyed in working with each one of you and helping you toward your goals and I have included below some helpful hints to help you get the best results. These are just a few subjects that I have come across the most and felt that it might be helpful to discuss it with you. I am launching a new website in about a month that is going to have so much more helpful hints on the HCG program and also a page for approved recipes and products that you can use. I have updated some information on the reference guide you all received when starting the program and wanted to make sure that everyone had the most up to date information. I have attached it to this email so that you have the opportunity to see any updates that were added to this information. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Keep me updated on your success or your struggles. Some good reasons to call me for help could include:
• No weight loss for 3 days or more- There are lots of things that we can do to help with this issue. It is normal at times to go 1 or 2 days with out weight loss because of how the body breaks down your fat cells as outlined in the PDF provided on page 7. There are also other helpful troubleshooting tips on pages 8-10. One common problem that can cause plateau’s that is not listed is personal care products. So many times we are doing the diet exactly as stated in the program but we are using a lot or even one of the products that are not approved by the HCG diet. Lotions, soaps, foundation make-up, deodorant, any plant oils or animal fats that we put on our skin are serious causes for plateaus. So if you are evaluating your personal program to find the cause for any plateau or lack of significant weight loss. Look at all of the ingredients of the products that you put on your body. Please call me if you are unable to find an easy answer to this problem. I want to make sure you get back on track as soon as possible so you do not loose anytime during your shots phase not loosing weight.
• If you are feeling starved or struggling with recipes. One cause of feeling starved could be the timing of your meals. Make sure that you are spacing your lunch and dinner enough apart so that you are not eating back to back but not to far apart that you are feeling starved. I usually recommend that you eat lunch between 11a-1p and dinner between 5:30p-8:30p (depending on what time you go to sleep, you don’t want to eat right before going to bed. This will help you keep your hunger under control. For the most part, because of the HCG, you should never feel starved because you are getting extra nutrients from the stored fat that is getting discarded everyday. One other reason you might feel this is that your HCG was diluted too much. If too much solution was added to the HCG it will cause your injections to be less than the recommended 200 I.U. per shot. One tip if you ever suspect this as a problem is to use a pregnancy test and drip some HCG on the test (the same as you would when you pee on it.) and if it shows up positive then your mixture is fine. If not, then it was probably diluted or was exposed to sun light to much and has become weak. Do not use the pregnancy test unless you call me first, you do not want to waist HCG doing the test to often to make it so you do not have enough to finish your 23 days of shots.
• If you need helpful hints on the recipes please let me know. There is a website link on my website labeled HCG Recipes. I have not gone through every recipe and approved them all. One thing to keep in mind is to never mix your veggies together and the same with your fruits or meats (you can mix sea food though). If the recipe requests you to mix any of those do not go with that recipe or revise it to fit the diet by only picking one from each category. Also spices are the key to making the meals taste wonderful. You can do a lot with spices the one danger that you have is using spices that are not approved by the HCG program. For an approved list you can read page 14-17. It has helpful hints of what to look out for and what brands and types of spices to use.
• If you are having problems with cheating- Please call me if you are struggling with staying with the program meals as outlined on page 5. The reason why it is so important to stick with the diet program is that while you are on the HCG and doing the diet as directed it allows your hypothalamus gland to reset. If you cheat and do not stick to the diet by the smallest amount in some cases and that includes the time during the maintenance phase you will run the risk of you hypothalamus gland not getting reset which will then not allow your metabolism to speed up and it will be really hard to maintain the weight afterwards. There are two goals here, not only do you want to loose the weight but you want to keep the weight off and getting the hypothalamus gland reset is the only way that you will be able to speed up your metabolism to help you keep the weight off. The 8 part video on my website talks a lot about the hypothalamus gland and how the HCG program works.
I hope that you find this information helpful. I am here to help, and any question you have can never be too big or too little for me to help. Please let me know how I can help you get the best results from your HCG program and just remember that this is a short period of time and then you have the rest of your life to enjoy a thinner, healthier and happier you.
Kayla Williams
HCG Coach