First, the loading days help you build up calories in your body. Since you are only eating 500 calories of consumable food your body will rely on the HCG to help provide the rest of your needed calories through the release of your current fat storages. It can take up to 6 days for HCG to be at the right potency in your body to create this process. So the calories you build up on your binge days will help you during the first few days of the VLCD phase of program. The first week is always the hardest because you well feel a little more hungry and tired than you will for the rest of the cycle. If you don't eat properly during the loading days you will only be more tired and hungry than is necessary.
Second, the loading days help you boost your metabolism. Because of the huge influx of calories you are taking in during the binge days your metabolism naturally speeds up to try to break down all of the food that you have just consumed. When on the 3rd day you drop it to 500 calories you will start lose weight immediately despite putting on weight during the loading days you will lose that weight and quite a bit more the first few days.
Top 10 Tip While Loading
It is not recommended to work out during the first week of the HCG program. You have built up calories to help you until the HCG kicks in and if you exercise it will burn off needed calories.
Apply lotions and moisturizers as often as possible.
Try to eat every 1 to 2 hrs.
Eat rich fatty foods that are calorie dense like avocados, bacon, cheesecake, and all types of dairy.
Add olive oil to as much of your food as possible.
Try to avoid sweet sugary foods like candy or soda. Not that you can't have these they just take up room in your stomach.
Eat the foods that you know that you will be craving later.
Eat at your favorite buffets or restaurants.
Add butter (not margarine) to as much of your food as possible.
Make sure to start your loading phase when you will be able to eat lots of food for two days straight.